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Home>Nike>Air Force>Nike Air Force 1 Garfield KS6896-111
Nike Air Force 1 Garfield KS6896-111

Nike Air Force 1 Garfield KS6896-111 Item NO.: 1786058

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US$ 120.07
Additional services
No Need Need QC Need Stockx Tag/Receipt Need QC/Stockx Tag/Receipt
(W)US5=UK3.5=EUR36=22.1 cm (W)US5.5=UK4=EUR36 2/3=22.5 cm (W)US6=UK4.5=EUR37 1/3=22.9 cm (W)US6.5=UK5=EUR38=23.3 cm (W)US7=UK5.5=EUR38 2/3=23.8 cm (W)US7.5=UK6=EUR39 1/3=24.2 cm US7=UK6.5=EUR40=24.6 cm US7.5=UK7=EUR40 2/3=25 cm US8=UK7.5=EUR41 1/3=25.5 cm US8.5=UK8=EUR42=25.9 cm US9=UK8.5=EUR42 2/3=26.3 cm US9.5=UK9=EUR43 1/3=26.7 cm US10=UK9.5=EUR44=27.1 cm US10.5=UK10=EUR44 2/3=27.6 cm US11=UK10.5=EUR45 1/3=28 cm

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    • - Estimated Shipping Date: 2-10 Days After Order
    • - 7*24 customer service
    • - QC Control chart!
    • - Stock X Tag & Stock X Receipt !

QC picture means: In the first 1-3 working days after ordering, we will send you the most realistic physical picture ("QC") of the product that will be sent to you, so that you can see how the product will look like and make sure that the product you see is the one you will receive, if you are not satisfied, we will immediately replace the product and will not ship it until you are satisfied, so that you will have a pleasant shopping experience when buying the product!

You can choose from a variety of Additional services to suit your needs.

Product Name Nike Air Force 1 Garfield KS6896-111
Item NO. 1786058
Weight 2 kg = 4.4092 lb = 70.5479 oz
Category Nike > Air Force
Creation Time 2025-03-21

Air Force:

The Air Force is one of the most recognizable shoes in the world, and for good reason. They've been around since 1977, when they were first developed as a basketball shoe. Since then, they've become a staple of streetwear culture and have been worn by some of the world's biggest celebrities.

Fashionreps.vip is the leading replica shoes brand in the world. We offer a wide variety of replica sneakers, replicas, and rep shoes at low prices. Our products are made with high quality leather and other materials that can be worn for years to come.

FashionReps FAQ

1. How the buying process works?

After receiving your payment, we will submit your order to the warehouse, 1-2 days will send you confirmation shoes QC,and the warehouse staff will be responsible for taking the quality inspection map of your shoes. 

After you receive the quality inspection map, you need to confirm whether the shoes are satisfactory to you and deliver the goods.

If you confirm delivery, we will provide your shoes to the logistics provider to send to your country, which usually takes some time, after the shoes arrive in your country, the local logistics service provider will pick up your shoes at customs and take care of delivery into your hands.
2. How can i track my package once it gets shipped?

A tracking number will be sent to you 1-2 days after the shoes are shipped to check the latest shipping status of the shoes.  

Website: https://www.17track.net/en

Logistics time: the goods will be sent out within 1-2 working days and you will receive the goods within 7-20 working days.📦

3. After-sales policy?
(1). Quality issues:If you find that the sneakers have quality issues after receiving them, please take a picture and send the picture to our customer service. We will evaluate and make corresponding compensation.

(2). Transport issues:If the shoes are damaged during transportation, please take a picture and send the picture to our customer service, we will evaluate and make corresponding compensation.

(3). We do not accept the return of any items used, damaged, engraved or altered by a third party.

(4). If you have placed an order and want to cancel it, Please contact our customer service as soon as possible.
4.I emailed customer service, how long will it take them to respond?
Expect a response within 24-48 hours from our representatives. Please allow more during hot releases. Normal, the working time as below:

Beijing Time: 9:30am to 6:30pm

Washington Time: 8:00pm to 4:30am

European time: 3:30am to 12:30pm
Payment Failure And Solutions

When paying by credit card, the payment usually needs to be reviewed by the bank first. There are a variety of reasons why a payment might fail, such as overdraft, credit card expiration, fraud, use of someone else's credit card, or a do not honor notification.

If you encounter payment issues, you can follow these steps:

1. If payment fails with a Do not honor message, please contact your bank to verify your payment and provide the credit card payment serial number.

2. Try to pay again or use a different credit card. No deduction will occur for unpaid or failed payments.

3. If payment fails due to high risk , try again or switch credit cards.

4. If you still can't pay with a credit card, please contact our customer service via WhatsApp.

Customer service contact details:

WhatsApp:+86 133 2831 9257

Email:  fashionrpes@gmail.com



Comfortable for work and running. Great quality and has a nice color way.



Super comfortable! Have many pairs of Ultraboost and the comfort is getting better and better!



Very comfortable. Uncomparable. So good on my feet especially on my soles.



I will buy more of them and recommend them to everyone!



Amazing quality. Super comfortable and fashionable. Great for working out or going out.



The shoes is very comfortable for running and also as a daily sneaker



The material is a nice stretch and they are comfortable.



Great fit and comfort,



The ideal shows for running / training lifting. she loves to exercise in them.



Extremely comfortable cushioning, definitely recommend to try these out



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